Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Rangers Fan's View

Many people will have seen the Rangers fans. You cannot miss them, they travel in large groups, they are noisy and yes they like a drink. But what makes a real Rangers fan? I think I have found one. He has a blog and uses it to publish to the world his love for his club.

Why write an article about this guy I hear you ask? Well simple, this is a real fan who reflects the average Rangers supporter. Maybe he does not come with the drunken caveman image that often comes with supporters of this club, but is this image the whole truth? Take a look on this blog and judge for yourself.


The article might lack the polished prose of those in the usual websites but they are honest and I believe reflect the true nature of Rangers fans. Maybe he does not write with great insight and does not have a deep understanding of football tactics, but the insight is to be taken by the reader from the articles.

A simple man with simple knowledge and reflects, in my opion, the average Rangers fan. Just a bunch of guys ith a simple love for their club.

Currently Rangers are being investigated for their fans sectarian behaviour and their recent reaction to a player blessing himself during a match did not reflect well on the club. Yes there are some fans who belong in the middle ages but this guy shows that there are fans with only the club and the sport on their mind. These guys are the blood and soul of football (soccer in the USA).

His articles do not simple praise the club and follow the hype, he asks questions of the manager and his decisions, especially when it comes to their midfield player, Buffel. A player he has a very close affection for.

I admire the simple nature of this fans and his ilk. Don't expect to learn about soccer tactics or to be drowned in the more radical views of other blogs and websites. Just read the articles and get to know a simple fan with simple views.

Billy Blue is just the average Rangers fan. He cares about his club, in fact it is his life, nothing else matters. He uses the internet to get across his team and its ethos.

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